Nintendo Switch Makes Late Night TV Debut with Jimmy Fallon

Nintendo's upcoming games console, the Nintendo Switch, makes its late night television debut earlier this month. Nintendo of America's president, Reggie Fils-Aime, brought the upcoming console to The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon,...

Casio Selfie Camera Marketed as Pricy Fashion Accessory

A brand new camera by Casio has been unveiled to the Eastern market, and it's being marketed as a great fashion accessory for selfie lovers out there. Whilst there have been many recent...
Nokia Lumia

Microsofts’ New Phones – The Nokia Lumia 830, Lumia 730, and Lumia 735

Not wanting to be outdone by HTC and preparing to face off with Apple, Microsoft who has just recently acquired the smartphone business from Nokia has released his own batch of...
Sharp Aquos Crystal Smartphone

Sharp Aquos Crystal Smartphone

Among all the hullabaloo of new releases from familiar brands such as Apple, Samsung, HTC, LG, and more, it is pretty amazing to see companies with enough guts to bring out...
5K Retina IMac

Apple Unveils Its New 5K Retina IMac

Keeping up with competition, Apple announced it’s new more affordable IMac last June. But today, they dropped another announcement with the unveiling of a humongous 5k retina display IMac. In an industry...
IRIS + personal drone

Taking Selfies in a Whole New Level with the IRIS + Personal drone

Talk about epic selfies! Somebody has just found a way for you to have your very own personal automated drone to follow you around and take awesome pictures of whatever you...

Unreal Engine 4 Now Free for Students

Anyone interested in video game development will be happy to know that Epic Games have announced today that they are making their latest engine, Unreal Engine 4, available for the low,...
Dremel 3d20

Dremel 3D20-01, Making 3D printing more Accessible to the Average Joe

Ever since its inception, 3D printing has forever changed the face of modern technology. With the hundreds of possible applications, 3D printers would be a useful and worthwhile tool for people...
Leaked iPhone 6 Phone Photo

A Legit Apple iPhone 6 Leak – Must See!

Well, with millions of views - this is hard to deny, but not only by the view count but because of the teardown also visible towards the end! You can't deny...

Microsoft Smartwatch Reportedly Gearing Up for Launch

After hearing about the Apple Watch earlier this month, there's no denying that the smartwatch race really has begun, and whilst Android have had a bit more time to get a...